Youth Garden Corps

Youth Garden Corps

The Youth Garden Corps is a vital component of GPCC’s Wellness Initiative that engages local teenagers in a paid summer internship program to support garden work.
Grow and Serve
For over ten years, GPCC has employed up to ten local teenagers to work in local gardens, at the Garfield Park Neighborhood Market and other community events. In the Youth Garden Corps, teens develop horticultural skills, assist with infrastructural and beautification projects in the Garfield Park Garden Network, and work towards job readiness over the course of the summer. Teens help to cultivate crops from seed to market - planting, growing, weeding, harvesting, and preparing the produce for sale and consumption.
Interns also learn the importance of incorporating fresh food and healthy habits into their lifestyle through weekly science and nutrition lessons.
In the summer of 2020, interns had the opportunity to participate in a digital curriculum developed in partnership with a graduate student at Rush University Medical Center. Future seasons may include similar online or in-person lessons and discussions.

Skills developed:
- Plant identification
- Horticulture and landscaping basics (pruning, seeding, weeding, mulching)
- Community engagement (PlayStreets!)
- Customer service (plant selection and distribution, market sales)
- Teamwork
- Conflict resolution
Projects vary each year, but may include:
- Painting
- Infrastructure repair (fences, raised beds)
- Introduction to hydroponics
We are currently fundraising to ensure that the Youth Garden Corps remains impactful and sustainable for years to come! You can donate here!
Join Our Team!
Are you interested in interning with the Garfield Park Garden Network next summer?
You must be age 15-20, willing to work outside in summer weather for about 20 hours each week, and ready to learn about urban gardening!
Fill out this interest form to pre-apply.
For other questions, send an email to Ms. Angela Taylor at:

Join Our Team!
Are you interested in interning with the Garfield Park Garden Network next summer?
You must be age 15-20, willing to work outside in summer weather for about 20 hours each week, and ready to learn about urban gardening!
Fill out this interest form to pre-apply.
For other questions, send an email to Ms. Angela Taylor at: